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Facial ageing happens very gradually, but the subtle changes which occur over time eventually alter our appearance significantly.

First, let’s look at the process of facial ageing;

Imagine a cartoon caricature of a lady at each decade of life. You can see how shadows develop, and she is left looking more severe, tired and unhappy.

The shadows which appear are due to loss of volume.

We lose volume at each layer of our face. Collagen and elastin deplete in our skin, fat is lost, muscle mass and tone deteriorate, and the skull shrinks due to loss of bone density.

Shadows are seen on our temples, tear trough (under eye hallows), a groove may develop through our cheeks, nose to mouth lines and marionette lines become deeper (creases around the mouth).

The descent of fat and muscle laxity leads to jowls, changing the shape of our lower face to appear heavier.

Because ageing occurs on many layers, I endeavour to tackle it with a multi angled approach, addressing these changes with a variety of techniques.

Dermal filler is a brilliant treatment to address the volume loss in the bone and fat layers. Restoring this volume will diminish the shadows which age us. Repositioning the tissues improves facial contours and leads to attractive light reflection (just like contouring the face with makeup).

Filler is a gel-like substance, it is pure hyaluronic acid, which is found in our skin and cartilage naturally, so it is very inert and well tolerated. I can also control the results during the treatment, so that they are natural looking and predictable. Hyaluronic acid is a molecule that attracts more water to itself than any other molecule. Over time the treated area becomes more hydrated, and hydrated skin is beautiful skin!

Studies have also shown that where you have had filler you have stronger collagen and increased hydration, both of which help give a fresh and youthful glow.

Filler is just one of the many treatments I use in a comprehensive restoration plan for my clients. Every filler treatment is bespoke allowing for individuality and should last 12-18months.

Textural issues can be resolved with injectables such as Sunekos, Profhilo and Polynucleotides as well as collagen induction treatments such as Tixel and microneedling.

For muscle laxity and contraction of lower face fat, Morpheus8 and Ultherapy are very effective.

Please do book in with me for your personalised, free consultation. Let’s explore your concerns and goals and discuss the best plan to make you feel like the best version of yourself.

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