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Anti Wrinkle Injections

Get Rid of Lines and Wrinkles

Anti-Wrinkle treatments can be used for many cosmetic purposes, with common sites including crows’ feet around the eyes, forehead lines and the frown lines between the brows. Other areas that can be treated include muscles causing a gummy smile, sad downturned mouths, strong muscle bands in the neck and sagging jawlines. 

These injections are also a useful medical treatment for excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) and jaw clenching (bruxism). Results can be tailored to suit each individual, whether you prefer a frozen look or a softer more natural appearance.


Choose Hampton Clinic

Our clinic is set in the leafy grounds of Hampton Manor and offers a relaxing and rejuvenating visit. Located in Hampton-in-Arden, easily accessible from Solihull, Shirley, Burton Green, Coventry, Nuneaton and Redditch, with visitors travelling from all over the country. At Hampton Clinic all of our Botox treatments are carried out by our medical director, Dr Lorraine Hill. Lorraine has over two decades of experience and is one of the UK’s most sought after cosmetic GPs.

Book your complimentary consultation today to talk through any concerns, discover all possible solutions and consider your personalised beauty plan. 

Disclaimer: The results of this treatment will vary depending on personal characteristics, such as your age, gender, health status and more

Look Well

Feel Well

Live Well

Dr Hill
Save Face Accreditation Award

At a Glance

Procedure Time

30-60 minutes depending on area.

How Long Before You See Results

It usually takes about 4 days to take effect, with full effect by 2 weeks.

Side Effects

Common side effects include some initial swelling immediately after your injections, which goes down within 30 minutes. Bruising can occur. Rarely people may complain of twitching in their muscles, headaches or nausea for a few hours; Very rarely drooping of the eyelid or eyebrow may occur.

Number of Treatments

One treatment is required, with a complimentary review at 2 weeks to make adjustments if necessary.

Duration of Results

Anti-Wrinkle Injections last between 3-6 months, depending on the individual's metabolism.

Anaesthetic Required

Very fine needles are used for injecting, so no anaesthetic is required.


Prices start from £250


Immediately after treatment do not apply make-up, lie down or drink excessive alcohol. Avoid extreme exercise for 24hours. For the first 2 weeks wash your face gently, pat dry, avoid facials and extremes of temperature (saunas/steam rooms).

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